Sunday, 24 February 2013

Scrapbook Day - 23rd February 2013

Had a great day yesterday - a whole day of scrapbooking with my sister-in-law and her sister. We all worked on a layout that was scraplifted from this original page which can be found on a blog called This Kalil Life:

The idea was to think of a number of random things about yourself. The number being your age. I got the better end of the deal with this layout as I was the youngest of the three of us so I only had to think of 31 random facts about myself. But actually once I got into it I enjoyed making the list and had lots of things to put on it.

This is my attempt and while it's not the best page I've created, it's quite nice to have a layout about myself for a change:

And this is my list of 31 random facts:

Thanks to Kimberley from This Kalil Life for the inspiration, and thanks to Tracey for hosting the scrapbooking day. Here we are busy at work:

Thursday, 14 February 2013

30 Days of Lists Challenge

I realise it's been a year since my last blog post but I haven't managed to do a great deal of scrapbooking in that year so there's not been much to write about. I didn't get any further with Project 12 that I was attempting with my sister-in-law but never mind. Onwards and upwards they say. At some point I may go back and do a page for each month of last year as I still have photos and journaling (ooh, I'll come back to that because I haven't been totally useless this past year and I did attempt my own version of Project Life) but for now it's time to move on.

So, I love writing lists. I have lists at work, lists on my Blackberry, lists on the fridge, lists for scrapbooking and lists in other random notebooks lying around. When I saw the 30 Days of Lists Challenge I knew this would be something I could get my teeth into.

So I'm waiting in anticipation for 1st March when the first email will come through and I can begin the challenge. I've even bought myself a new notebook from Etsy to celebrate.