Friday, 1 March 2013

30 days of Lists - day one

The 1st March has finally arrived and my first prompt has come through in the 30 Days of Lists challenge.

So here goes.

Day one - I'm a lister because....

  1. I like to be organised 
  2. Being organised stops me from getting overwhelmed
  3. I like the satisfaction of crossing something off
  4. I have a rubbish memory
  5. It helps to compartmentalise my life
  6. I have too much to think about
I'm going to write them up in my new notebook at some point but at the moment I'm just using Evernote.

Let's see if I can manage to blog them as I go along as well!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!!!!

    I'm not very good at following my lists after I have written them, but they do help me to prioritize. How do you use your lists?

    Can't wait for the rest of your topics. X
